Overcoming Loss & Loneliness: 3-Day Workshop / RSVP at Onlinemeditationevent.com ent.com
Mon, Dec 11
Join our "Overcoming Loss and Loneliness" 3-Day Workshop. It's a place to meet others who are on similar paths, to share your story, and to find understanding in a community that cares. Guided meditation will help you. December 11-13, 2023 8:00PM ET 7:00PM CT 6:00PM MT 5:00PM PT Cost: $50/

Time & Location
Dec 11, 2023, 5:00 PM – Dec 13, 2023, 6:00 PM
About the event
Loss is an inevitable part of life. The death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, losing your job - these experiences all cause grief. The pain of loss is often accompanied by profound loneliness. The person you once shared everything with is no longer there, your daily routine may be completely changed. In these lonely times, it's easy to feel isolated and abandoned.
When we suffer a significant loss, we often want to withdraw because we may feel that nobody truly understands and we lose interest in discussions of day-to-day subjects. As humans though, we are social creatures and having social interactions and sharing our grief with others is the best way for us to overcome both loss and loneliness.
Join us for our three-day online Overcoming Loss and Loneliness workshop. Share and meet with others and discover a method of meditation that guides you towards eliminating what blocks you from feeling connected. A meditation that gives you a broader perspective on life that can bring you out of the rut we can often get stuck in.